Let me pull out my soapbox for a second...
As stated in multiple previous postings, I've had a love/hate relationship with Rolling Stone since I was 13 years old...that's 15 years that we have been "on-again, off-again." I feel like I have put some serious time and commitment into this relationship. But this time, I think we've run our course.
I realize that music and politics at times go hand in hand. Without political influence, we wouldn't have great songs like "Ohio" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, or Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth." We wouldn't have "Imagine" by John Lennon. But in my humble opinion, that's where it should end...in the creation of great music.
I'm not a very political person. I have my viewpoints on important issues, but honestly, I could give a rat's ass what anyone else's view point is, or if they agree or disagree with mine. Who cares? Isnt' that the great thing about living in America? We can think and say whatever we want?
But here's where I have a problem: you're rights end when they infringe on mine. It's as simple as that.
So what does this have to do with Rolling Stone? Well, it shouldn't have anything to do with them, but it does.
I don't subscribe to Rolling Stone to read about their political views, or their stance on the war or whatever. I DON'T CARE (about their viewpoints, not I don't care about our country's involvement in the war, just wanted to make that clear). I read it because it is supposed to be a "music" magazine. If I wanted to read political information, I would subscribe to Newsweek. I want to read about music, concerts, bands, anything dealing with that industry. Not politics.
Now, you may ask, "why don't you just skip the political section and not read it?" Simple enough, right? It should be. I wish I could tell you that I'm able to skip past it. I don't read it. But it's not just words printed on those pages. If I see one more headless, mangled, mutilated body, I'm done. The last 3 or 4 issues have had photos so utterly disturbing, they have kept me up at night.
I don't pretend for one second to be naive enough to think that this doesn't exist in our world and happen on a daily basis. At this point, I don't even agree or disagree with our war. I just want it over and our troops home safe. I have a cousin in the US Navy that means the world to me and I couldn't be prouder. But I didn't join the military. I didn't sign up to see that. And I should not be forced to view these horrendous photos when I am thumbing through my MUSIC magazine, looking for an article about the possible break-up of the Kings of Leon. There's no warning, no advance notice...just turn the page and there's a picture of a body blown into 1500 pieces. Forgive me for not wanting to see that.
I'm sure someone is reading this, thinking "oh, grow a pair." Or, "that's what happens in war, deal with it." I am fully aware that our troops and the people who live in these foreign countries see these things day in and day out. I know that our troops see these things in their daily attempts to keep me and the rest of my country safe. But what about that makes it ok to force me to see it? If I wanted to see that, I would watch a horror movie.
So, all I have to say is this...thank you Rolling Stone for providing me with images I can't unsee. When this current subscription runs out, that's the last you'll see of me.
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